"Qingdao Girls Don't Date Boys That Eat Dogs" Summer 2016 Protest Against Dog Meat Trade in Asia : Jorge & Bella
2016 year was a turning point in Asian culinary history - Look it up! How many laws were passed? How many Dog Meat Farms closed?
how the pet market is growing, how the dog meat trade slowed - there is still much work to do. Fight hunger and animal cruelty together.
Above: Poster Art to Promote Dog Adoption 2016 Limited Edition Print.
Below: Variant Detail from Original Artwork (Acrylic and Pencil on Paper. 2016)

"Chairman Mao and two Tibetan Mastiffs on a visit to the Himalayan Plateau". Limited Edition Print. 1959 - 2019
Donate to the Tibetan Government in Exile for a Free Tibet
Esta imagen nacida del surealismo existe para promover la idea que MaoZedong, posiblemente le gustaban los perros.
Algunos viejos de costumbre, los bien machos, y los muy pobres - en la China comunista, todavian, hasta mas recientemente al marcar
el anho nuevo 2020, todavia existen esos platos crueles y hasta se puede comprar esa carne en el mercado. No hes racista comentar sobre esto - pero quizas se deberia
tratar asi - para deslojar ese cruel habito del gusto culinario.
And I almost forgot, we should all probably stop eating horses also, but that is for another page.
The Brooke Hospital for Animals is a charitable institution for horses and donkeys.
For further information or to learn where to make a donation please visit:
www.brooke-hospital.org.uk or
Click to Donate to The Brooke Animal Hospital
Brooke helpt werkpaarden en ezels van straatarme mensen in ontwikkelingslanden.
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gemeenschappen in Egypte, India, Jordani en Pakistan.