"It's like finger-painting with rocks."
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This summer, students in the Campagna Kids Summer Camp at Lyles-Crouch, William Ramsey, and Charles Barrett Elementary Schools will work with artist and art teacher Jorge Perez-Rubio to design and create a mosaic pathway.
Jorge will teach students about the various elements of art - LINE SHAPE FORM VALUE TEXTURE COLOR - and the principles of design - BALANCE EMPHASIS
UNITY MOVEMENT PATTERN PROPORTION and SPACE. The program will end with the creation and unveiling of an intricate mosaic pathway about the city of Alexandria.
If you have questions or would like to learn more about the Summer 2009 Mosaic Art Program please contact Michele Brandon at(703) 549-0111 X145.
Mosaic Group Activity: Sort, Puzzle, Paste, Grout, Polish, Place.
Above: Sketchbook in progress. The garden stones can temporarily be viewed at the Campagna Center through the end of
July 2009.
Site for the installation of a garden path from the main entrance of the Alexandria Head Start Building to the new playground at
the Jefferson-Houston School for Arts and Academics 1501 Cameron Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. The well worn pathway created by constant
traffic will be assuaged by the mosaic stones. Because the content of the mosaics promote literacy, they will provide an amusing
pedagogic element where there was none before.
Soaking up the Sun in the New Courtyard at the Original Head Start Program Site on Cameron and NWestStreet