Additional Travelogue 01-03 Include Samples:
The first and oldest mosque ever built on the land of Egypt. Erected in 642 AD
by Amr Ibn al'As, the commander of the Muslim army that conquered Egypt. Its really big and deep like an enormous warehouse of holiness -
originally it was set up on poles like a big tent - columns made out of the palm trees that line the Nile - and
some accounts claim that there were between 800 and a thousand of these. (* Private Collection) It was painted on site to the delight of the locals on a stip of felucca sail no more that two feet across.
Totaly different but equally Aegyptian: A new modern structure to replace the lost ancient one. This view from the top of a hotel
during our many visits to Alexandria is of the library. Its like a huge internet bookstore - very nice. (NA)
(*)Above is the the minaret of the Mosque at the University of al Azar in Cairo near the Khan Khalili. Oldest University in the Ilsamic or Mohammedan Tradition;)
This was painted from the pedestrian underpass that allows for this dramatic view. It was Ramadan and that
was the moon in 2003.
(*)The mosque on the corner of our home in Heliopolis. I painted this building several times. This version is
in a private collection. Functional and beautiful, the building sits at a popular crossroad - intesecting the neighborhoods - overlooking the boulevards.
Note the typical B&W taxi in the foreground.
(*)Tambien en nuestro antiguo vecindario en Heliopolis la Iglesia donde esta enterrado el Baron Empain.
Uno de los pocos cuadros pintados sobre madera en oleo. Lo que mas me impresionO fue ver diferentes maneras de
disenho que van y vienen en el contexto de la vida aegipcia.
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