Private Collection
One of my first paid commissions in the North Eastern United States was from a family in New York City that had recently moved to
New Jersey. Working from photographs and more than a few visits and sketches to the house, I set to paint on a small canvas.
Although I have painted several more locations since this time, this painting remains one of the first
and fondest commissions.
Private Collection
An address near Prospect Park in Brooklyn, New York I used to frequent. The architectural style of the homes in a row is typical of the neighborhood.
Private Collection
Painted in oils but on board rather than canvas, these paintings are executed on a smaller scale than the ones above. The itinerant nature of the impressionist,
forces the artist to adapt to new materials and may sometimes develop into an truly individual style. In the summer of 2006 we had friends move out of their building in Bethesda, MD and into a similar home much closer to Washington DC.
The similarity of the structures is fascinating to me - as is the very different set-up of the individuals living in each place. Nevertheless
the architetcure is beautiful in its functional simplicity and convenience. They also make for a striking set of images. Below is a sequence of images of the actual piece - mounted on poplar wood to protect the ash-can quality of the painting.
Selected Residential Drawings: UnSolicited and Commissioned
 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC
 A balcony view from Bethesda MD
A house on the Upper East Side, NY
Sketch of a house in Coral Gables, Miami, FL
 Sketch of a house in Maine
A drawing of a house on Fire Island, NY
