Luncheon Party at Jimbos on Virginia Key 2008: oil on board : 10X12 : Based on one of my favorite french impressionist paintings, Renoir's Luncheon oftheBoating Party.
The Luncheon of the Boating Party by Pierre-Auguste Renoir remains the best known and most popular work of art at The Phillips Collection, just as
Duncan Phillips imagined it would be when he bought it in 1923. The original painting captures an idyllic atmosphere as the artist's friends share
food, wine, and conversation on a deck overlooking Virginia Key and Biscayne Bay in Miami. Floridians flocked to Jimbo's to rent rowing skiffs, eat
smoked fish, drink beer, or stay the night. The painting also reflects the changing character of American society since 1950 to the early 21st
century. The restaurant welcomes customers of many classes, including businessmen, bikers, society women, artists, actresses, writers,
critics, seamstresses, and shop girls. This diverse group embodied a new, modern Miami society. A moment in time. Call it for what it is, likeRockwell
Renoir mighta said, we paint life as we see it. Not how it is but how we would like it to be.
ON The History of Art from the Beach
WARNING: Extreme Post-Modern exposure to established works of art can affect your perception of new life and situations. This series is coming from
a popular chinese fortune cookie game...on the beach. This preview is available below.Try to match up the painting scenario with the
museum painting. Thank you and Enjoy South Florida.
The Hogs Clinic
Mangrove Jungle Dance
Family of Acrobats from Hialeah at the Beach
Boy on the beach
Venus and Cupid
Mary, Mary
Girl Sleeping
ANSWER_KEY:(1)The Gross Clinic is an 1875 painting by American artist Thomas Eakins,(2)The Jungle 1943 by Wifredo Lam, (3)
PICASSO's 'Famille de Saltimbanques (Family of Acrobats), c.1950, (4)after George Bellows boys swimming (5)at MoMA: Paul C�zanne's The Bather
(6)Lorenzo Lotto's Renaissance Venus and Cupid (7)Maxfield Parrish 's Mary Mary quite contrary and (8) one of Balthus' Girls Sleeping.....all
on the beach, yes.

Selecciones On the History of Art 2008 - 2009
Directly Below is a Floridian adaptation of the famous illustration by English Artist John Tenniel from
Lewis Carrols Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The paintings are oil on board mounted on oak or poplar to help preserve the
Advice from a Caterpillar in South Florida (*NA)