Thank you for your visit. A selection of paintings and studies from this series is available by appointment only at StudioA in Washington DC

Perez-Rubio has lived in and around Washington DC since high school, working in DC for periods of up to a year. His first visit to the monuments
was on a seventh grade field trip around 1980 something. All this by no means gives him the right to be called a local artist. He was often asked about it,
painting this city.

Perez-Rubio primarily lived and worked overseas. Outside the United States, however, Washington DC figures prominently in the expat ethos.
The structural elements and working components of DEMOCRACY are illustrated in the map of Washington DC.
They are not hidden. The urban layout shows you the actual checks and balances of the American Constitutional Democratic Government.

Study for Aerial Deconstructionof Washington DC
In contrast to other cities like Beijing, for example, with it's radiant and centralized topography. Consider Moscow, Paris, or London and their
"it's complicated" set of poilitics. Wonderful cities, albeit very different from Washington DC. A selection of paintings and studies from
this series is available by appointment only at Studio A in Washington DC or by reference from the US Department of State International Arts Commissionarchives DoT in Tunisia, Il.2020
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