reeeer Visual Arts : Perez-Rubio : Historical Illustration for the South Carolina Liberty Trail : 1781 Attack on Ft. Ridgeway

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"Attack on Fort Williams", September 3, 1781 Laurens County, SC

Vector drawing proposal for signage on the Liberty Trail, 20X20

First draft for the Attack on Fort Ridgeway signage on the Liberty Trail, pencil on paper board, 20X20

Second draft for the Attack on Fort Ridgeway signage on the Liberty Trail, pencil on paper board, 20X20

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"On the death of Capt. John Ridgeway at the hands of William "Bloody Bill" Cunningham.

Skirmish, Capt. John Ridgeway, Sr. vs. Major William Cunningham. The Patriot militia constructed two blockhouses on the Reedy River to protect the frontier settlers from the periodic incursions of Loyalists from the mountains. These were garrisoned by a party of thirty (30) men from the Little River District Regiment of Militia under the command of Capt. John Ridgeway, Sr. On September 3, one of Cunningham's detachments attacked this post. Capt. Ridgeway, another officer, and eight (8) privates were killed and the rest of the Patriots surrendered. Source: