Although many of the (over 500!) artists employed by the Fleischer Studios are no longer with us, the tradition of
excellent draftmanship and the cartoon style they helped to create are with us everyday. The history of
Florida is full of examples of the develpoment of this medium - from electronic jazz musicians like Raymond Scott to the
monstrosity that the Disney Co. has become - this is undisputably an indigenous American Art Form and it deserves our
attention and respect.
Below: Pen and Ink Drawing of the Fleischer Studios from the corner of 17th Street and 30th Avenue in SW
Miami-Dade County, Florida 2006. Paramount built the Fleischer Studio here in 1938. The building was later sold to
TWA as a flight training school for pilots and flight attendants. It was later acquired by Miami-Dade County and used
briefly as part of the Child Development Services. Today it sits empty and dilapidated and allegedly used for
storage of CDS records.Although a lone AC unit roared in the center of the main bulding where the door is locked, there is already a fence around the property that had been vandalized when i came to see it
and was easy to enter the building. [1.4.2007] Time of STUDY 2003 - 2006

Arriba: Dibujo con tinta sobre papel (en la pantalla:/) de los Fleischer Studios desde la esquina
de la Calle 17 y la Avenida 30 en el Suroeste de Miami-Dade County, la Florida 2006
...donde nacieron y se criaron los personajes de arriba en una epoca antigua el taller de los hermanos Fleischer ...birthplace
of the characters above during the Golden Age of cartoon features at the Fleischer Studios

...in 2003 Miami-Dade County and the Florida Moving Image Archive of the Wolfsonian Institute...well, go figure...
