Course Title: Art & Design II (Painting and Drawing II)
Instructor: Jorge Perez-Rubio
School: SAMPLE
I Course Description, Aims and Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop intermediate/advanced perceptual and compositional skills necessary to communicate a range of subject matter, symbols, ideas, and concepts using knowledge of two-dimensional and three-dimensional art techniques and processes. Painting is a Language and Drawing is like Writing.
II Format and Procedures:
Regarding Studio maintenance, Set up and clean up must be immediate at the start and at the end of class (Tools and Storage). Weekly art discussions and participation therein is required � written assignments and other exercises at the instructors� discretion. Students are encouraged to work on their own time and to balance creativity with diligence in the display and exchange of ideas via the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design.
III Course Requirements:
Selected Course Readings
Portfolio: Update and Maintenance
Advanced Toolbox & Sketchbook
IV Grading Procedures: Classroom expectations?
All work is to be turned in on time and done to the best of your ability � in an art class � you only cheat yourself from developing as an artist � and if you do well � you will be able to apply your visual thinking techniques and art vocabulary to other aspects of your school and your life. Students will be graded on classroom performance and completion of art work as well as academic exercises. An additional grade will be given to the sketchbook, the portfolio/book/website, Research Assignments and Midterm & Final exams.
V Course Schedule:
The schedule will consist of subject studies in art techniques through (1) the Landscape, (2) the Figure and (3) the Still life. Non-Objective Art will also be covered. Working from am outline of the Modern History of Art, we will explore the way people make art and we are going to make art ourselves. As a matter of course, we will identify career options related to the visual arts (and vice versa) and when possible, engage artists and craftsmen currently working in the community.
VI Course Policies:
Class attendance is required, outside work is expected. Participation in crosscurricular activities is encouraged and may affect your grade.
VII Final Word: Good Design is Good Thinking.

HS Art and Design II : SAMPLE B
Welcome to Drawing and Painting II
First I would like to share with you two quotes that I hope will help you stay focused and motivated:
1 You are only a painter when you are painting( Explain practice practice practice)
2 All artists work with what they have ( Explain )
and 3) a famous artist once said that he always started working like someone else but in the end, it was their work, it wasn�t a Picasso or a Rembrandt or whatever�point is � you emulate your favorite artists and its okay to copy their works � this is how you learn and eventually � you cannot help but to have your own voice/or style.
The OBJECTIVE of this course is to develop more ADVANCED
Perception and Composition skills>>
And working in a framework of the History of Art , I will ask you to specialize in one area at a time and you will build a body of work. Organized in an appropriate
portafolio, this can be taken home at the end of the course of study.
The areas we will explore are drawing, painting, printmaking, the camera arts (photography, video and film), sculpture, architecture, graphic design, and crafts.
We will REVIEW the elements and principles of art introduced in Drawing and Painting I and you will be expected to apply these terms gracefully and effectively to your critiques.
As for the materials list � it is the same as for Drawing and Painting I � the only difference is that you will need to collect your favorite materials in a �pencil box� bin or whatever container you find practical and accessible � so that you begin an affinity with the tools you will use in cultivating your own special skills.
My classroom expectations are this: All work is to be turned in on time and done to the best of your ability � in an art class � you only cheat yourself from developing a as an artist � and if you do well � you should be able to apply your visual thinking techniques to other aspects of your school and your life.
Saul Bass � a well known graphic designer said, �good design is good thinking�.
And if drawing and painting are like reading and writing � just imagine if you got this far and you could not read and write - and if society requires us to apply basic reading an writing skills � I encourage you to find your own unique voice/style in this course - happy drawing everybody and welcome to art 2.

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