OBJECTIVE: Exploration of Art Materials, Introduction to Vocabulary, Practice Drawing, Painting,
and Modelling. Our Subject matter will be the Person, the Place, or the Thing. This is an
introduction - a guided tour - of BASIC Perceptual and Compositional skills that will be needed later
in Middle and Upper School. Our Mission in the Lower School is to lay a proper Foundation for PreK to Grade 5 Development in the
Visual Arts.
OBJETIVO: Exploracion de materiales de arte, Introduccion al vocabulario, Practica de dibujo, Pintura,
y Modelado. Nuestro tema sera la Persona, el Lugar o la Cosa. Esta es una
introduccion, una visita guiada, de las habilidades basicas de percepcion y composicion que se necesitaran mas adelante
en la escuela intermedia y superior en las artes visuales.

Drawing is like writing and painting is a language: An Alphabet
Dibujar es como escribir, y la pintura es un idioma: Un Alfabeto
To Start Class: "We will explore how and why people make art and we are also going to make art ourselves."
The areas that the course will cover are drawing, painting, printmaking, the camera arts (photography video, film, and cartoon animation), sculpture,
architecture, graphic arts and crafts.
We will talk about what we are doing by learning and applying the Elements of Art and Principles of Design:
The 6 Elements of Art : (1) Line (2) Shape (3) Form (4) Color (5) Value (6) Texture
The Principles of Design : Balance - Emphasis - Unity - Movement - Rhythm - Pattern - Space - Proportion
Classroom Expectations : Expectativas del Aula: KEtAng chEngxU
1) All students will participate in the creation of art projects.
1) Todos los estudiantes participaran en la creacion de proyectos de arte.
2) Students will proceed at their appropriate stage of development.
2) Students will proceed at their appropriate stage of development.
3) Todos los estudiantes disfrutaran de la clase de arte independientemente de la presion del plan de estudios o los problemas externos.
3)All students will enjoy art class regardless of curriculum pressure or external issues.
NOTE TO PARENTS: Working across the curriculum with the classroom grade teachers is important here. Everything a student thinks and does in an art class makes them
stronger in their other courses. Please encourage your child to take their time and go for quality over quantity or speed.
When possible, parents must make an effort to keep up or cross over all their childrens' other classes. "Children show great enthusiasm
for art in the elementary grades and they are eager to take additional art courses when given an opportunity to do so".
NOTA PARA LOS PADRES: Aqui es importante trabajar en el plan de estudios con los maestros de grado de la clase. Todo lo que un estudiante
hace en una clase de arte los hace mas fuerte en sus otros cursos. Por favor, anime a su hijo a tomar su tiempo e ir por la calidad sobre la velocidad.
Haga un esfuerzo para mantenerse al día o cruzar todas sus otras clases ". Los ninhos muestran un gran entusiasmo por el arte en los grados de primaria
y estan ansiosos por tomar cursos de arte adicionales. cuando se le da la oportunidad de hacerlo ".
( - A Sample Bilingual Art Curriculum in English and Mandarin Chinese - )
^^^^^ : Teaching Western English Art Class in China, PRC. Grade 1 and Grade 2 in Qingdao : 1976-2016
Perez-Rubio enjoyed working as an artist and an art teacher in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. It was a daily struggle and a joy
learning to express and appreciate the Good and the Beautiful through the eye of others and across many different cultures - to remain respectful
and to seek common ground.
Perez-Rubio disfruto trabajar como artista y profesor de arte en Asia, Medio Oriente, Europa y las Americas. Fue una lucha diaria y una alegria
aprendiendo a expresar y apreciar lo bueno y lo bello a traves de los ojos de los demas y en muchas culturas diferentes, para seguir siendo respetuosos
y buscar un plano comun.

^^^^^^ : Upper Elementary Art Class at Qingdao Laoshan New Century School, PRC
vvvvvvv : Lower Elementary Art Class at a Chinese National School in Qingdao, PRC.

vvvvvvv : First Grade Art Class at the AiDi Chinese International School, Qingdao, PRC, 2019*

Notes on Teaching Western Art in English at Chinese National Schools: 2011-2020